Where will you find the Workforce of the Future?

Kienco's Labour Market Intelligence Report provides deep insight into the External Labour Market for your organisations' workforce and geographies.  The report analyses a combination of private and public data sets to identify future workforce risks and opportunities for your organisation.

 This actionable intelligence has been used by government departments and corporation to inform:

  • Decisions about Building (up-skilling) versus Buying (recruiting) needed future capabilities;
  • Identifying geographic risks, such as skills shortages in specific cities;
  • Identifying the best locations to access a skilled workforce;
  • Exploring likely workforce challenges when applying for tenders or initiating new projects;
  • Prioritising Learning & Development investment; 
  • Actionable intelligence about location or relocation of a workforce; and
  • Equipping HR and Leadership with deep insights into key occupations, to assist more informed decision making about workforce initiatives.

Like to know more?

If you'd like to understand how this can support your organisation's workforce strategy, please fill in the form below and one of our team will be in contact shortly.